So...what's PB2? Straight from Bell Plantation's website: "Through a unique process that doesn’t involve the use of any chemicals and doesn’t alter nature’s intended balance found within the peanut, we remove over 85% of the fat from premium quality peanuts. Essentially, the oil is squeezed out of roasted peanuts and what remains is our famous powdered peanut butter – all natural with no artificial sweeteners or preservatives. When you mix water or a favorite drink with PB2 you get the same consistency as full-fat peanut butter, with all the roasted peanut flavor, but 85% less fat calories."
Basically, PB2 is all the deliciousness of your Jiffy but with MUCH less fat calories. No brainer, right?
So, I was jonesin' for some sweets yesterday (since I was the only person on planet Earth not indulging in Easter candies), and I decided to put my PB2 to good use. The recipe was a bit difficult to follow because the dry ingredients are given in ounces, but I've done the brain-muscle work for you and converted my guestimates to cups for you. Here's the recipe:
Chewy PB 2 Cookies
1/2 cup: Sugar
1.2 cup: Packed light brown sugar
1: Egg
1 tsp: Vanilla extract
1 tsp: Baking soda
1/2 tsp: Salt
2 Tbsp: Dark corn syrup
1/4 cup: Water
1 cup: PB2
1 cup: Whole wheat flour
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. In a medium-sized bowl, cream together both types of sugar, egg, vanilla, baking soda, salt, corn syrup, water and PB2. Beat until smooth. Add flour, beating until mixture is well combined. Dough will be very sticky. Drop tablespoon-sized balls onto prepped baking sheets. Press top of each cookie with a fork to make parallel lines; flattening cookies to about 1/3 to 1/2 inch thick. Bake cookies for 10 minutes, reversing pans midway through (top to bottom, bottom to top). Remove from oven, and transfer to a rack to cool. Yields about 30 cookies.
Here are my cookies as they began to bake!
Bell Plantation has TONS of delicious recipes on it's site. I'm sure I'll be working my way through their recipe book, and you know what, I can't wait to share it with you!
Have a fit and fab day,
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